Wednesday, 29 April 2015


This quote from councillor Anna Purcell in the Star from the councils latest visit to Nakusp.

One of my favourite sessions was the tour of Nakusp’s new micro-hydro facility. At $150,000 for installation and generating more than $100 of power a day, it was a good investment for the village, and a smart use of water already running downhill. Slocan is slated to begin their own micro-hydro project, and Rossland has been paying close attention to
the in-pipe hydro system Portland is installing in its water pipes.
During the election I said that I need to come from a city that takes sustainability seriously. I find the idea of producing electricity from the water that runs beneath our streets compelling.

I can only hope the council will now discover the business case for the Nelson community solar garden is a fantasy of waste.    $400,000 for  possibly power for 3 average homes for 20 years.
Nakusp microhydro $150,000 for 30-40 homes for a century.

If I was Alex Love manager of Nelson hydro, I would be embarassed to bring forward his solar garden project to the city council now.

Monday, 6 April 2015

Solar Panels increase GHG emissions

  Nelson community solar garden GHG emissions and the life                                cycle of a Solar Panel.

Mr. Love manager of  Nelson hydro states the solar garden will decrease Green House Gas.
In our northern latitudes where solar works 10% of the time, all the non renewables required to make and transport these panels exceeds what they return in their life time.   Google engineers gave up.

Solar panels last for maybe 25 years, and as they age they make less and less power. Then they become toxic waste, they are made with NF3  and SF6  dangerous heat trapping gases,  Nitrogen trifluoride 16,100 x more potent than CO2 and sulfur hexafluoride  23,900 x more potent as well as heavy metals and other toxic items that go to our  landfill in 20 years.

All solar panels are now made in China, Germany’s huge failure has bankrupted all manufacturers worldwide, China is now making solar panels that are experiencing early failures in huge quantities, 34% in a recent major California installation,  the Sarnia Sun Mine the largest canadian solar installation replaced 30% recently, who paid, they called it "utility costs"?
 Ontario pays huge feed in tariffs to attract individuals to install solar, something like 8 times more than power is worth and everyone else pays for this boondoggle.   

To mine solar cell quality selenium for solar cells requires diesel mining equipments,  heating raw materials to over 3000 degrees to make solar cells and metal frames with coal that was probably shipped from Fernie, mined with diesel equipment, sent by diesel powered trains to Roberts Bank, shipped in diesel powered ships to China where Fernie coal heated all the raw materials to make solar panels, whew!.

Then shipped on diesel spewing transports, to another ship using diesel, to reach North American shores and be shipped again by diesel trucks, to Nelson where the real sunhours for solar is little better than 10% annually, and virtually none of this power is earned in winter when we need it most, results in a negative contribution to global warming. Studies show solar panels can increase GHG emissions instead of reducing them as everyone expects.

Studies also show solar panels even where the sun does shine take years to return the energy required to make and transport etc, as above!  

Pretty slick solar industry propaganda, political correctness and greenwashing at its best, but the truth is beginning to come out. 

The entire premise of solar power is to reduce global warming by reducing GHG emissions, its not working but the propaganda persists.