Monday 29 December 2014

The Reality of Grid Tie PV solar power in BC

Understanding this concept will eliminate a lot of the myths around solar.  Solar power  does nothing to avoid the need for conventional power in BC that is clean green water power. Solar only avoids the fuel that might otherwise be spent.  In BC that is water, we have to build Site C if we are to meet future projections, why spend any money on solar power?  Solar works on hot summer days, what do we do in winter and all night? We use power from conventional sources of course.

Think about it.   Solar cannot be stored, is intermittent and unreliable.  Only works in the hot midday sunlight when the angle of sunrays is most perpendicular to the panel.

Imagine a powerplant running your home that only gave power in the midday sun.   When do you need power?   I think it was first created for lights in the dark as I remember?   Solar power calculations use a sunhour(this is not a sunlight hour)  a sunhour is noon maximum sun.  It can take several morning or evening hours or depending on clouds etc.,  In Nelson we get about 1000 annual sunhours for solar purposes.

What do we do the other 8000 hours,  we use power from conventional sources.  So anyone who thinks solar can avoid building Site C dam doesn't under stand solar basics, but you hear this all the time.  I think we all know how our modern western lifestyle comes to a complete halt when the power goes off.

I am not anti renewable,  I just happen to know solar is very expensive and won't solve future energy problems, I don't know what will but continuous bleeding of billions in public dollars, because all solar is government subsidized, will not help us.   The Nelson community solar garden is a complete waste of money because we don't need the power, we sell the cleanest and greenest power for a profit that runs the city.

Nelson is unaffordable enough without sticking us with this feel good very expensive useless project for some misguided and misinformed agenda.   You would think our highest paid man in the city would say Nelson isn't going to do anything with solar.  We are the last place that should consider this, when solar becomes viable we will all know it, we don't need another half a million for another solar experiment here.

At the Nelson hydro budget meeting in January Mr Alex Love manager of Nelson hydro stated they have identified 5 potential microhydro locations.   I personally know they have one completed study on the 5 mile water intake showing it would not only pay for the infrastructure upgrades required, but make power and payback,  our Nelson dam has been making power and has an original generator from 100 years ago still capable of making power.   Why would we waste money on solar panels that work only on hot summer days in sunlight when we don't need the power?   We need power on long dark cold winter nights, microhydro does this all year round at night when solar doesn't work, why solar here?

google "german solar failure"  "Ontario solar failure"

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